Getting some new doll furniture? Everything you need—furniture, appliances, utensils, bedding, and more—is right here. Get your own ideas!Doll shoes and clothing can also be learned to make. Fresh outfits, hip jewelry, and trendy footwear. DIY doll clothes like dresses, jackets, boots, and skirts can be learned from detailed, step-by-step guides.Do not go out and buy expensive doll furniture when you can learn to construct it on your own for your American Girl doll.Do it on your own! Follow these simple guides to learn how to create your own dollhouse miniatures. Make a chest of drawers out of old stuff, like a box of matches. More than 200 DIY tutorials to learn how to make doll furniture. Our doll house furniture set has everything you need to furnish a chic miniature home. Watch our instructional films for complete novices, and well show you every step of the process for making your own dollhouse furnishings.Have fun with your favorite dolls in a brand new doll house filled with miniature accessories and fun new furnishings. Take your pick from a wide variety of inspiring bunk bed designs, adorable miniature do it yourself projects, and other doll furniture and decor projects.Add miniature furniture, such as bunk beds, to your dollhouse by decorating it with school supplies and arts and crafts. Make your own furniture for your American Girl doll!Learn how to sew doll clothes, build a dollhouse, and cook doll food with this app! lots of little accessories and additions for your primary playthingsTutorials on how to construct doll furniture, such as paper doll houses or couches made from dishwashing sponges, are easy and inexpensive DIY projects. Dollhouse plans made out of cardboard are also available.Get inspiration from our craft ideas now!